Tuesday, November 23, 2004


go to café gelato at the bellagio. now.


Kitchen Monkey said...

Great picture! Kitchen Monkey wants gelato. Kitchen Monkey is in Sarasota. No great gelato. Sad monkey.

santos. said...

hi kitchen monkey!

i'm lucky to be near al gelato on the edge of beverly hills which has never failed me yet. that's only when i'm here in la. on guam it's a sad, sad, sarasota story. no gelato. i'll be a sad monkey too.

Dennis Mai said...

Santos, what're you doing in LA by the way?

techa said...

oh gawd, what are you doing to me? It's not like I can jump on a plane and get some. Another picture to blow up for me, please?

Fish Fish said...

Wah! The gelato looks so tempting. I wish I can hv a try on them. *_* Santos... I didn't know u do ur blogging here, hv been wondering why Green Banana not updated, until Dennis told me. Fish Fish super baka (silly)!!

Ms One Boobie said...


Zarah Maria said...

yum yum yum yum yum yum yum - repeat....